Sunday, 13 April 2014

2014 Apr 10 GayathriVenkataraghavan PadmaShankar GanapathyRaman SukanyaRamagopal @ SRSM

Vocal: Vid.GayathriVenkataraghavan

Violin: Vid Padma Shankar
Mridanga: Vid. Ganapathy Raman
Ghata: Vid.Sukanya Ramagopal

01 jagadhAnadhakAraka nAta Adhi thyAgarAja

02 smaraNe ondhe sAladhE malapaka puranDhara dhAsa (S)

03 marivEre dikkevvaru laTAngi khanda chApu patNam subrahmaNya iyer (A, S)

04 kshIra sAgara shayana dhEvagAnDhAri Adhi thyAgarAja (A)

05 srI rAma nAma bhajana sai maname aTANA Adi pApanAsham shivan

06 chakkani rAja mArgamu kharaharapriya Adhi thyAgarAja (A, N, S, T)

07 sApasya kousalyA jOanpuri Adi thirupazhanam panchApakEsayyar

08 yAdava nI bA yadukula nandana kApi purandaradAsa

09 viruttum 

10 pibarE rAma rasam Ahirbhairav Adi sadASiva brahmEnd

11 tillana

12 nI nAma rUpamulaku mangaLa sourAshtra Adhi thyAgarAja

Skipped yesterday's Dr. Nityashree concert as my daughter was performing bharatanATya seva at another temple premises on account of rAma navami.

Concert had a good gathering of audience when it started on time. Having missed last year concert of this artist, she was on my list to attend this year. 

A fast paced jagadAnandakAraka set the tone of what to come in the evening. Already being fed with the delicacies since last 2 evenings, I was up against another set of sumptuous evening filled with vidwat and bhAva.

swarAs of malayamAruta came in like a cool evening breeze that swept away the audience. I saw a spark of confidence in the musical conversation between the singer and violinist.

It indeed sailed into latAngi AlApane and the marivEre krithi that followed. 

The bliss was evident in the soft presentation of kshIra sAgara. The violinist who had tuned the violin to lower G added melody to dEvagAndhAri presentation. It was indeed the best of the presentation till this point.

aTANA composition took the place of a filler.

kharaharapriya alapane drew the loudest applause for both vocalist and vioinist. The mellifluous voice and violin nAda added grandure to already majestic krithi.

kalpana swaras flowed so smooth... It was an ultimate demonstration of view at and confidence. 

Tani that followed demonstrated the virtuosity and calibre of both the percussionist. 

The flare and energy of the team continued into the tail pieces.

Indeed it was an evening well spent. Resolved not to miss her next concert when I have an opportunity to attend.

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2023 Apr 30 AbhishekRaghuram HNBhaskar PatriSatishKumar OjasAdhya @ SRSM

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