Thursday, 3 April 2014

2014 Apr 01 Kumaresh, Jayanthi Kumaresh, KU Jayachandra Rao, G Guruprasanna @ Sri vANi kalA kEndra

Violin : Vid Kumaresh
Veena : Vid Jayanthi Kumaresh
Mridanga : Vid K U Jayachandra Rao
Khanjira : Vid G Guruprasanna

01 nera nammithinayya VarNa kAnada k Ata pUchi shrInivAsa iyengAr

02 rAma nannu brOva rA mOhana Adi thyAgarAja (S)

03  anurAgamule saraswati Adi tAla (A, S)

04 vallabha nAyakasya ?   bEgaDa( A, S)

05 yAre rangana yAre krishnana hindOLA tALa p.dAsa

06 rAga tAna pallavi nAsikAbhUshaNi
 rAgamAlika in gaULa sAma Anandabhairavi varALi kEdAra rEvati Violin Veena Violin dhanyAsi V mOhanakalyANi and endless list of rAgas and a grand tani

07 rAga mAlikA AlApane V dEsha nIlAmbari rEvati kApi

08 tillAna kApi

09 kAmAkshi madhyamAvati Adi shyAmA shAstri

It was my first concert of the season, and what a welcome..  The stage decor was so pleasing.. I was having butterflies in the stomach.

This was the first time, the couple (off and on stage) was performing in Bangalore. 

The concert began on time and with the very first bow across the strings, the concert set its standards. 

Kumaresh announced that he would not inform the name of the tracks, but would congratulate the audience who would come up with the correct list .. at the end of the concert. However I was not one of those fortunate ones to get the tracks...(especially the rAgamAlika swaras.. which were showered.

Highlight of the concert was saraswati and nAsikAbhUshaNi. (now a days alapane of this rAga is hardly heard on stage). 

(Ganesh and ) Kumaresh known for the rAga pravAha demonstrated similar virtuosity in the swaras played.

Another aspect to highlight was inspite of 2 artists coming from 2 different schools, the blending was so smooth, one could fathom the amount of effort spent to bring this harmony.

It was a bumper start to the long season that follows. It was indeed an evening well spent.

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